increases neural connectivity by stimulating new connections between different brain regions, which supports overcoming anxiety and depression.
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High-End Technology
Organically grow the holistic
Safe Diagnoses
Bring to the table win survival
Improved concentration and focus, particularly in ADHD
Getting into the flow of your work, hobby or study more easily
Staying in your creative flow longer
Increased productivity
Stimulates innovation and problem-solving capabilities
Improved sleep
More physical energy
Enhanced sensory perception
Less burden of procrastination
Less burden of mood swings
Improved mood
Increased emotional awareness
Make better decisions
Being more positive in life
Feeling more connected to the people around you (family, friends, colleagues)
Make more conscious choices with regard to health, lifestyle, well-being
Be more aware in life
Being better able to live in the moment
Less burden of menstrual symptoms (PMS)
Reduce menopause symptoms
Decrease in depression (from mild symptoms to clinical depression)
Less stuttering
Quitting smoking and other addictions
Stronger sense of gratitude for life
More openness
Increased amazement
More in touch with your spiritual intentions or life mission
Feeling of connection with all that is
Feeling of oneness with the universe
From your initial phone call or inquiry placed through our website, you will notice the Novalab difference. We offer direct access to industry-leading scientists who are used to working with both veterans of the industries.